
Showing posts from November, 2017

Blog #9: A "Segregated Nightmare"

The American Dream is widely perceived by Americans, but it varies for every individual based on internal and external influences . In "Dreaming in Black and White", James W. Loewen asserts that, "We now live in two Americas at once...we live in an integrated America (on the job, on most college campuses, on American Idol , in the armed forces, in the White House, and in the Catholic Church), and we live in a segregated America (where we live and, too often, how we vote)" (73). Loewen  addresses issues of race and segregation in regards to the American dream. The context of his chapter begins from reciting the history of African Americans and how they have always been subjected to Whites and their views of them. Loewen argues that African Americans have never had the same Dream as privileged Whites because of residential segregation. African Americans have been perceived by the people around them as to not have any civil rights which made those people around them di...